Resources from Eliza
Stress Management Starter Kit
Two Downloadable PDFs to help you manage your day-to-day stress (and start your burnout recovery journey if that's where you're at). Included are:
1) Eliza's Values Exercise: This is a twist on a traditional values exercise. It doesn't just help you identify your values, it assists you in integrating them into your everyday life, making it easier and more comfortable to set boundaries and protect your time and energy.
2) Eliza's 4D Do-Defer-Delegate-Drop Exercise: This method allows you to take a good look at all the things you feel responsible for in a day and organize them in such away that you're not taking responsibility for 100% of it. It's designed to help you create space, as well as seek out assistance or help for things that you don't absolutely have to handle yourself, thus reducing both your physical and mental load (and stress).
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Q: How are these different from the Values and 4D exercises that I can just Google for free?
A: Great question! Let's break it down for each exercise:
1) Values Exercise: This exercise doesn't just help you identify your values (which any 'ole exercise can do). It provides an actionable framework for you to actually LIVE them every day. Conflict often comes from the places where we aren't living our values out loud. We don't think about our values regularly. This exercise helps you put your values at the forefront of every decision that you make, every interaction that you have, and every boundary that you want or need to set.
2) 4D Exercise: This exercise is derived from the Eisenhower Matrix. It's typically designed for individuals like managers, CEOs, or entrepreneurs with business time management in mind. Eliza's exercise has been modified and updated to apply to everyday life. It provides real world examples so you have a more substantial framework to work from, and it provides tables and charts to make it easier to stick to. Plus, as your life changes, you can go through and update it again and again.
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