Acupuncture works by stimulating points on the body, activating the body's natural system of healing. It releases chemicals in the local tissue, and it stimulates nerves that activate regions of the brain associated with easing pain, promoting the immune system, and restoring normal function. It also helps balance hormones and inflammatory markers.
Medical appointments cover a wide variety of conditions, from orthopedics to migraines, allergies to fertility. Initial appointments take about an hour and a half and cover a full medical history as well as the primary reason for the visit. Follow up appointments are typically around an hour and most patients will require several visits in a row. Generally, acute issues take 3 to 5 visits, while chronic issues may require longer term management, but ultimately each case is unique.
Dry Needling/Trigger Point Acupuncture
Generally included as a part of most orthopedic treatments during medical visits, this specific technique can also be booked as stand alone treatment
Cupping is an ancient technique used to help release muscle tension. Traditionally done with bamboo "cups," we employ the use of glass bulbs. A small flame is used to create a vacuum and the cup is applied to whichever part of the body is being treated - usually the back, but cups may be applied to shoulders, arms or legs as well.
Zheng Gu Tui Na
Zheng Gu Tui Na is a type of Chinese orthopedic massage that incorporates the stimulation of acupuncture points and channels. It is most effective when used in combination with acupuncture. It often focuses on releasing trigger points that might be causing pain or discomfort in the immediate area of inflammation or farther down the muscular tract. It deeply works the muscle tissue and fascia to encourage postural realignment. Joints may be mobilized to assess, support and increase range of motion.
These appointments require more time to address those stubborn, refusing to unwind issues with your tissues. It's advisable that new patients attend a standard acupuncture session first; this will provide time to properly assess exactly what's going on and determine a treatment plan moving forward. Oftentimes, a single, longer session of 90 or 120 minutes** is enough to do the majority of the work which can then be followed up with regular acupuncture sessions. The ability to tailor my practice to give your body exactly what it needs is my favorite part of my practice and this medicine. |
Sometimes, as a matter of convenience or medical need, acupuncture can be done in a patient's home. In these instances, the practitioner brings all the necessities for an in-home visit including a massage table, linens, and treatment supplies. The patient must provide a clean, workable space free of clutter*, as well as access to a kitchen sink for hand washing/sanitizing. An in-office visit is required for the initial appointment.** This allows the patient to meet the practitioner ahead of time to ensure that concierge visits will be a good fit for her/him. If so, subsequent appointments will be scheduled at mutually convenient times.
Both medical and Mei Zen Cosmetic acupuncture styles are available.
Separate rates apply.
Both medical and Mei Zen Cosmetic acupuncture styles are available.
Separate rates apply.
Dr. Collins is available for travel to provide private treatments in any U.S. territory for up to 2 weeks. The client(s) must be established patient(s) with no less than a 6 month prior treatment history per patient.
Separate rates apply.
Separate rates apply.
*If the patient's home is unable to accommodate a massage table due to size or layout, a couch or day bed of adequate size is acceptable.
**If the patient is unable to leave her/his home due to being bed ridden, the initial visit will be in-house. This is the only exception.
**If the patient is unable to leave her/his home due to being bed ridden, the initial visit will be in-house. This is the only exception.